Auto Loan Calculator

Use our selection of auto refinance loan calculators to see if refinancing your vehicle is a good option for you. Simply enter some information about your vehicle loan to calculate your auto loan payment savings, schedule, and more.

What is your loan's total interest and fees together?

What's your loan principal?

How many days in your loan's term?


The RateWorks way

RateWorks is a direct lender, we are with you throughout your journey ahead. We create our own rates, process our own applications, service our own loans, and conduct our own payment processing.


Collects application
Processes application
Services loan
Payment processing

Third Party Lenders

Collects application
Processes application
Services loan
Payment processing

Lead Generators

Collects application
Processes application
Services loan
Payment processing

Why should I refinance my auto loan?

Refinancing your home — or vehicle — is a personal decision based on several factors. And like many things in life, timing is everything.

Why are gas prices so high right now?

The average gas price in the US is now at the highest level in history. Prices are higher than the previous record of $4.10 per gallon.

What’s the difference between a joint auto loan and a co-signed auto loan?

Most people need to take out a loan to make big purchases, like a vehicle. But if you’re new to car loans you may think about asking someone else to help.

With RateWorks, you could start saving today!

Lower your auto loan payments, and lower your rate in a matter of minutes when you refinance your auto loan with us today! It's just that simple.

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